Reduce fatalities and injuries

Achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads

Each of the goals in a metropolitan or statewide transportation plan is supported by one or more 'objectives' that define what needs to occur to accomplish the goal. The objectives define what a region plans to achieve and help to determine the strategies and investments that will be included in the transportation plan. In practice, objectives range from high-level regional statements to specific, measurable, time-bound "SMART" objectives. A range of objectives are included in the Architecture Reference for Cooperative and Intelligent Transportation (ARC-IT), gathered from a variety of references and recent transportation plans, that reflect the spectrum of objectives that are used in current practice. The objectives identified below support the identified goal. Select an objective to identify its source, associated performance measures, and the service packages that support the objective.

Objective Category Objective
Emergency/Incident Management: Evacuation Times Reduce the per capita time to evacuate Z persons in the region by X percent over Y years.
Emergency/Incident Management: Incident Duration Reduce mean incident clearance time per incident by X percent over Y years. (Defined as the time between awareness of an incident and the time the last responder has left the scene.)
Emergency/Incident Management: Incident Duration Reduce mean incident notification time (defined as the time between the first agency's awareness of an incident and the time to notify needed response agencies) by X percent over Y years (i.e., through "Motorist Assist" roving patrol programs, reduction of inaccurate verifications, etc.).
Emergency/Incident Management: Incident Duration Reduce mean roadway clearance time per incident by X percent over Y years. (Defined as the time between awareness of an incident and restoration of lanes to full operational status.)
Emergency/Incident Management: Incident Duration Reduce mean time for needed responders to arrive on-scene after notification by X percent over Y years.
Emergency/Incident Management: Incident Duration Reduce mean time of incident duration (from awareness of incident to resumed traffic flow) on transit services and arterial and expressway facilities by X percent in Y years.
Emergency/Incident Management: Inter-Agency Coordination At least X percent of transportation operating agencies have a plan in place for a representative to be at the local or State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to coordinate strategic activities and response planning for transportation during emergencies by year Y.
Emergency/Incident Management: Inter-Agency Coordination Hold at least X multi-agency after-action review meetings each year with attendance from at least Y percent of the agencies involved in the incident's response.
Emergency/Incident Management: Inter-Agency Coordination Increase percentage of incident management agencies in the region that (participate in a multi-modal information exchange network, use interoperable voice communications, participate in a regional coordinated incident response team, etc.) by X percent in Y years.
Emergency/Incident Management: Inter-Agency Coordination Increase the number of corridors in the region covered by regional coordinated incident response teams by X percent in Y years.
Emergency/Incident Management: Training By Y (year), X percent of staff in region with incident management responsibilities will have completed the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training and at least X percent of transportation responders in the region are familiar with the incident command structure (ICS).
Emergency/Incident Management: Use of Technology Increase number of ITS-related assets (e.g., roadside cameras, dynamic message signs, vehicle speed detectors) in use for incident and emergency detection by X in Y years.
Emergency/Incident Management: Use of Technology Increase number of regional road miles covered by ITS-related assets (e.g., roadside cameras, dynamic message signs, vehicle speed detectors) in use for incident detection by X percent in Y years.
Emergency/Incident Management: Use of Technology Increase number of traffic signals equipped with emergency vehicle preemption by X percent in Y years.
Freeway Management: Ramp Management Increase the number freeway ramps currently metered by X percent by year Y.
Freeway Management: Ramp Management Increase the percent of freeway interchanges operating at LOS Z or higher during peak periods by X percent by year Y.
Freeway Management: Ramp Management Reduce the number of congestion-inducing incidents occurring at freeway ramps by X percent by year Y.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce crashes at intersections
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce crashes at railroad crossings
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce crashes due to driver errors and limitations
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce crashes due to red-light running
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce crashes due to road weather conditions
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce crashes due to unexpected congestion
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce crashes due to unsafe drivers, vehicles and cargo on the transportation system
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce lane departure crashes
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce secondary crashes
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce speed differential
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce the number of fatalities in crashes involving a driver or motorcycle operator with a BAC of.08 and above by X percent by Y year.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce the number of motorcyclist fatalities by X percent by year Y.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce the number of pedestrian fatalities by X percent by year Y.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce the number of speeding-related fatalities by X percent by year Y.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce the rate fatalities in the region by X percent by year Y.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce the rate of severe injuries in the region by X percent by year Y.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce the total number of crashes in the region by X percent by year Y.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce the total number of crashes involving bicyclists and pedestrians in the region by X percent by year Y.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce the total number of fatalities and severe injuries in the region by X percent by year Y.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce the total number of fatalities in the region by X percent by year Y.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Reduce the total number of severe injuries in the region by X percent by year Y.
Safety: Worker Safety Enhance safety of workers
Safety: Worker Safety Safeguard public safety personnel while they are at roadway incidents and emergencies
Transit Operations and Management: Safety Decrease the number of personal safety incidents by X percent within Y years.
Transit Operations and Management: Safety Increase personal safety ratings by X percent within Y years.
Transit Operations and Management: Safety Increase the number of closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras installed by X percent in Y years on platforms, park-n-ride lots, vehicles, and other transit facilities.
Travel Weather Management: Detours for Impacted Roadways Increase by X percent of significant travel routes covered by weather-related diversion plans by year Y.
Travel Weather Management: Detours for Impacted Roadways Increase the percent of agencies that have adopted multi-agency weather-related transportation operations plans and that are involved in transportation operations during weather events to X percent by year Y.
Travel Weather Management: Disseminating Information Reduce time to alert travelers of travel weather impacts (using variable message signs, 511, road weather information systems, public information broadcasts, the agency's website, Web 2.0 technologies, etc.) by X (time period or percent) in Y years.

Architecture Use

Like the goals, the transportation objectives of the region should be a driving input for the regional ITS architecture. By connecting the objectives with the architecture, transportation planners can easily identify the portion of the integrated regional transportation system that supports each objective. Conversely, ITS architectures and strategic plans can help planning organizations define operations objectives that reflect data that is available and the expertise of operations staff. The RAD-IT Planning Tab can be used to connect your region's objectives with your regional ITS architecture. If your regional ITS architecture does not include this connection, the links between the objectives and ARC-IT defined in this planning view may be used as a starting point.