Physical Object: Vehicle

Vehicle METR Interpretation


'Vehicle METR Interpretation' combines the currently relevant rules from METR with supporting data (e.g., from on-board sensors, from V2X exchanges) to develop a complete picture of the rules that are currently active. The function also performs completeness and consistency checks to ensure each rule is fully defined and to identify any conflicts or discrepancies among the received rules Any discrepancies detected in this process (e.g., physical sign different from electronic rule) are forwarded to the discrepancy reporter function.

This functional object is included in the "Vehicle" physical object.

This functional object is included in the following service packages:

This functional object is mapped to the following Functional View PSpecs:


# Requirement

Information Flows

Source Flow Destination
Driver driver input Vehicle
Vehicle driver updates Driver


Currently, there are no standards associated with the functional object itself though the interfaces may have standards associated with them.