4.3: Schedule Transit Maintenance

This page shows the collection of processes that make up the Schedule Transit Maintenance facility within the Manage Transit function. These processes enable transit vehicle and device maintenance to be scheduled and monitored, and for the work to be assigned to maintenance technicians. They use the operational data provided by the processes in the Operate Transit Vehicles and Facilities function and the maintenance specifications for each type of vehicle as well as inputs from the field, i.e. the connected vehicle roadside equipment managed by this function. A log is maintained of all maintenance activity so that current progress on activities and individual technician assignments can be tracked and monitored by the transit operations personnel.

The key points about the facility are as follows:
- Maintenance is scheduled from operational data collected by the transit vehicles;
- Maintenance schedules include the assignment of technicians to carry out specific tasks;
- Transit operations personnel have ultimate control over all maintenance activities.

There are seven processes defined as Process Specifications (PSpecs) in this collection:

1) Monitor Transit Vehicle Condition (4.3.1)
2) Generate Transit Vehicle Maintenance Schedules (4.3.2)
3) Generate Technician Work Assignments (4.3.3)
4) Monitor and Verify Maintenance Activity (4.3.4)
5) Report Transit Vehicle Information (4.3.5)
6) Manage Transit Vehicle Inventory (4.3.6)
7) Manage Transit Vehicle Operations Data Store (4.3.7)