Detect and Verify Emergencies from Surveillance and Sensors

This page shows the collection of processes that make up the Detect and Verify Emergencies from Surveillance and Sensors facility within the Manage Emergency Services function. These processes analyze sensor and surveillance data collected from secure areas, detect threats and other potential incidents, and exchange threat information with other functions.

The key points about the facility are as follows:
- Sensor and surveillance equipment controlled and monitored for operational status and equipment faults;
- Sensor and surveillance data analyzed to detect and verify threats;
- Detected threats correlated with alerts and advisories received from other processes and terminators;
- Threat information disseminated to other functions;
- Sensor and surveillance data processing controlled by operator interface;
- Infrastructure integrity monitored and disseminated to other functions;

There are six processes defined as Process Specifications (PSpecs) in this collection:

1) Manage Secure Area Sensors (
2) Manage Secure Area Surveillance (
3) Analyze Threats (
4) Disseminate Threat Info (
5) Analyze Traveler Image (
6) Provide Operator Interface for Security (