Physical Object: Transportation Information Center

TIC Traffic Regulation Dissemination


'TIC Traffic Regulation Dissemination' disseminates rules, regulations, and statutes that govern motor vehicle operation. It aggregates regulations from regulatory authorities and then disseminates the relevant regulations to vehicles and other mobile devices.

This functional object is included in the "Transportation Information Center" physical object.

This functional object is included in the following service packages:

This functional object is mapped to the following Functional View PSpecs:


# Requirement
01 The center shall disseminate rules, regulations, and statutes that govern motor vehicle operation to vehicles and other mobile devices.
02 The center shall receive rules, regulations, and status updates from traffic regulatory agencies or other traffic agencies.
03 The center shall aggregate updates to rules, regulations, and statutes in order to define updates to be sent to vehicles and other mobile devices.


Currently, there are no standards associated with the functional object itself though the interfaces may have standards associated with them.