Kind: Terminator

Class: Center

Type: System



'Media' represents the information systems that provide traffic reports, travel conditions, and other transportation-related news services to the traveling public through radio, TV, and other media. Traffic and travel advisory information that are collected by ITS are provided to this object. It is also a source for traffic flow information, incident and special event information, and other events that may have implications for the transportation system.

This physical object does not have any functionality defined in ARC-IT, as it exists outside the system functional boundary.

This physical object is included in the following Service Packages:


This physical object has the following security levels for the associated service packages.

Physical Object Security
Security Class Confidentiality Integrity Availability Service Package
Class 5 Low Low High Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination
Class 1 Low Low Moderate Advisory Radio
Class 1 Low Low Moderate Broadcast Traveler Information
Class 1 Low Low Moderate C-ITS Local Broadcast
Class 1 Low Low Moderate Disaster Traveler Information
Class 1 Low Low Moderate Dynamic Message Signs
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Emissions Monitoring
Class 1 Low Low Moderate Personalized Traveler Information
Class 1 Low Moderate Moderate Traffic Incident Management System
Class 1 Low Low Moderate Traffic Information Dissemination
Class 1 Low Low Moderate Transit Security
Class 1 Low Low Moderate Transit Traveler Information
Class 1 Low Low Low Weather Information Processing and Distribution
Class 1 Low Low Moderate Wide Area Broadcast
Class 1 Low Low Low Winter Maintenance
Class 1 Low Low Moderate Work Zone Management

Interfaces Diagram

Interfaces diagram


Currently, there are no standards associated with the physical object itself though the interfaces may have standards associated with them. For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.