Kind: Subsystem
Class: Field
Type: System
ITS Roadway Equipment
'ITS Roadway Equipment' represents the ITS equipment that is distributed on and along the roadway that monitors and controls traffic and monitors and manages the roadway. This physical object includes traffic detectors, environmental sensors, traffic signals, highway advisory radios, dynamic message signs, CCTV cameras and video image processing systems, grade crossing warning systems, and ramp metering systems. Lane management systems and barrier systems that control access to transportation infrastructure such as roadways, bridges and tunnels are also included. This object also provides environmental monitoring including sensors that measure road conditions, surface weather, and vehicle emissions. Work zone systems including work zone surveillance, traffic control, driver warning, and work crew safety systems are also included.
This physical object is included in the following Service Packages:
- CVO05: Commercial Vehicle Parking
- CVO06: Freight Signal Priority
- CVO10: Road Weather Information for Freight Carriers
- DM01: ITS Data Warehouse
- MC03: Roadway Automated Treatment
- MC06: Work Zone Management
- MC07: Work Zone Safety Monitoring
- MC09: Infrastructure Monitoring
- MC11: Maintenance and Construction Signal Priority
- MC12: One-Way Convoy Driving
- PM04: Regional Parking Management
- PS03: Emergency Vehicle Preemption
- PS07: Incident Scene Safety Monitoring
- PS09: Transportation Infrastructure Protection
- PS10: Wide-Area Alert
- PT09: Transit Signal Priority
- PT10: Intermittent Bus Lanes
- PT12: Transit Vehicle at Station/Stop Warnings
- ST01: Emissions Monitoring
- ST02: Eco-Traffic Signal Timing
- ST03: Eco-Traffic Metering
- ST04: Roadside Lighting
- ST06: HOV/HOT Lane Management
- ST07: Eco-Lanes Management
- ST08: Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections
- ST10: Low Emissions Zone Management
- TI07: In-Vehicle Signage
- TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance
- TM03: Traffic Signal Control
- TM04: Connected Vehicle Traffic Signal System
- TM05: Traffic Metering
- TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination
- TM08: Traffic Incident Management System
- TM12: Dynamic Roadway Warning
- TM13: Standard Railroad Grade Crossing
- TM14: Advanced Railroad Grade Crossing
- TM15: Railroad Operations Coordination
- TM16: Reversible Lane Management
- TM17: Speed Warning and Enforcement
- TM18: Drawbridge Management
- TM19: Roadway Closure Management
- TM20: Variable Speed Limits
- TM21: Speed Harmonization
- TM22: Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use
- TM24: Tunnel Management
- TM25: Wrong Way Vehicle Detection and Warning
- TM26: Signal Enforcement
- VS03: Situational Awareness
- VS05: Curve Speed Warning
- VS06: Stop Sign Gap Assist
- VS07: Road Weather Motorist Alert and Warning
- VS08: Queue Warning
- VS09: Reduced Speed Zone Warning / Lane Closure
- VS10: Restricted Lane Warnings
- VS11: Oversize Vehicle Warning
- VS12: Vulnerable Road User Safety
- VS13: Intersection Safety Warning and Collision Avoidance
- VS15: Infrastructure Enhanced Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
- VS17: Automated Vehicle Operations
- VS18: Management of Electronic Traffic Regulations (METR)
- WX01: Weather Data Collection
- WX03: Spot Weather Impact Warning
- WX04: Roadway Micro-Prediction
This physical object has the following security levels for the associated service packages.
This interfaces diagram had many interfaces and so was broken up into a Subsystem and Terminator interfaces diagram.
Subsystem Interfaces Diagram

The following table lists the standards associated with the physical object itself (as opposed to standards associated with an interface). For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.
Name | Title |
ITE 5201 ATC | Advanced Transportation Controller |
ITE 5202 ATC Model 2070 | Model 2070 Controller Standard |
ITE 5301 ATC ITS Cabinet | Intelligent Transportation System Standard Specification for Roadside Cabinets |
ITE 5401 ATC API | Application Programming Interface Standard for the Advanced Transportation Controller |
NEMA TS 5 Portable Signals | Portable Traffic Signal Systems (PTSS) Standard |
NEMA TS 8 Cyber and Physical Security | Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation Systems |
NEMA TS2 Traffic Controller Assemblies | Traffic Controller Assemblies with NTCIP Requirements |
NEMA TS4 Hardware Standards for DMS | Hardware Standards for Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) With NTCIP Requirements |